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Designed to
bring you joy

Aluminium Windows and Doors – Exclusive Ranges

Two ranges of world-class windows and doors

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Eternia Windows and Doors

The lifestyle you deserve. Made with the world’s first Duranium™ alloy. WiWA© certified for extreme weather protection. Unlimited colours. Premium finishes and handles.

Download Eternia brochure

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Eternia Essentials Windows and Doors

Upgrade your home with WiWA© certified windows for extreme weather, sturdy designs, unlimited colours and a wide range of finishes. The price will be a pleasant surprise.

Download Eternia Essentials brochure

Eternia and Eternia Essentials: our two ranges at a glance

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Slide open the window to more moments of joy

Air pollution can cause serious health issues like lung cancer and heart diseases. Protect your loved ones with WiWA© certified windows. Know your WiWA© score

Frequently asked questions

The cost of your window will depend on multiple factors. Our Customer Service Center will be happy to provide more details. Please reach out to them by filling the consultation form here.

Yes, our openable and sliding aluminium windows are designed with a sleek, slimline aesthetic. We’ve ensured that we create big window sizes so you have an uninterrupted view of the world outside.

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